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House Rules

We totally meant to do that.

Bring enough words for everyone.

Come to the dark side; we do, in fact, have cookies.

Sell a novel, get a tattoo. Failure to comply will result in the rest of the group tattooing you jailhouse-style.

BYOBB. (Bring your own brain bleach.)

Wipe down the Swanwick Scale with disinfectant after each use.

Unreliable narrator is unreliable.

Moar conflict.

What do you mean? That is a happy ending.

Entanglement doesn’t work like that.

No consuming other members’ cerebrospinal fluid. If you must indulge your filthy habit, do it outside the group.

Try the smut, angst, smut, smut, nanotechnology and smut; there’s not much smut in that.

You must learn the laws of physics in order to break them properly.

It’s all the fault of the mechanical bird.

Do not speak of the incident with the squid and the uplifted sandwich.

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