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Monthly Archives: March 2013

Annals of Superhuman Persistence: Vol. II: Hugh Howey

Four years ago, he decided to give writing a shot. He and his wife were living in a 750-square foot house in Boone, N.C. He was unemployed; his wife was working as a psychologist. He had an idea for a story about a young spaceship pilot who travels across the galaxy in search of her … Continue reading »

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Objet Trouvé: Diminished Nerve House with a Assuredness Pool

Big Rock is an attribute of 140 acres two hours drive from Sydney. This has been set up next to Edward Szewczyk, an Australian designer Polska comply. That is, underestimated complicated complicated, knives home is the goal of any owner and their acquaintances rocking the city.

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Annals of Superhuman Persistence: Vol. I: Barry Malzberg

from Down Here in the Dream Quarter, Doubleday, New York, 1976 pp. xvi-xxi   My first piece, written in 12/65 My second written three months later My third SF piece, written in September My fourth was written in 11/66.  Campbell told my agent

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