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Monthly Archives: July 2016

Wisdom of Mike Resnick

If wisdom means that from which we can learn, there is much wisdom in the nonfiction writings of Mike Resnick. “Gardner Dozois, who was editing Asimov’s at the time, told me that he got about a thousand slush stories a month. How many did he buy? Three a year” (2010). But Asimov’s publishes, what, five … Continue reading »

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Annals of Superhuman Persistence, Vol. VI

“When I finished the first draft, in November ’97, Wired suddenly folded their book division.  I got to keep most of the advance.  But now it was hard to find a publisher for this odd orphan book.  Finally David Hartwell of Tor picked it up early in 1998 and I even got another (smaller) advance.” … Continue reading »

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Another Thing I Don’t Understand

From a literary agent’s webpage: Manuscript Wish List: Adult and YA fantasy and science fiction except dystopian. In SFF, prefer upmarket writing and settings/characters that think outside SFF tropes with earthy female-based characters. If submitting urban fantasy, please no demons, vampires, angels, or werewolves. Literary fiction, especially magical realism that highlights particular culture or surreal … Continue reading »

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