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Posted by on January 18, 2017

I’m always interested in where books were written, so here is a thing about where I wrote some books.

From late 2010 to March 2012 I wrote a novel called “The Dream Devours the World” in San Diego, in my apartment–

sd apartment

–and the office of the hotel were I worked–

sd hotel.

Then I wrote one called “The Anaxarchus Manuscript,” first over five weeks (chapters 1-19) from December 2014 to January 2015 in this building in Mexico City–

mc building

–in my bedroom–

MC bedroom 2

— and the living room of the apartment–  mc interior

and then (chapters 20-50) from May to August 2015 in this house on the outskirts of Cordoba, Spain–

cordoba house 2

–in my bedroom there–

cordoba bedroom

–and in the living room–

cordoba interior

Then I wrote another one called “The Sacred Lake” from June to December 2016 in Las Vegas, in my apartment–

lv bedroom

–and in carrels at the UNLV library–

lv lib

lv carrels

The End.

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