History of a Submission
Story submitted 11:32 AM, Saturday, May 21, 2016 (all times have been converted from the present writer’s Mountain Daylight Time to Arizona’s Mountain Standard Time) At 11:34 AM position in queue: 91
Life’s Greatest Disappointment
Admission of Guilt?
In May 1999 George Lucas appeared on British light entertainment morning show The Big Breakfast. When interviewer Johnny Vaughn asked him to discuss the story of The Phantom Menace, the following exchange occurred.
Strikes Against Video Games Being Considered as Art
The following items are not definitive proof video games are not art, but rather exhibits of evidence suggesting they may not be. 1) They have stupid titles.
Literary Confusion
Abaddon’s Gate is Literary Space Opera at its Absolute Best by Andrew Liptak June 3, 2013 http://io9.com/abaddons-gate-is-literary-space-opera-at-its-absolute-511125015 Looks like somebody doesn’t know what “literary,” applied to a novel, means. Here’s the first page of Abaddon’s Gate by James S.A. Corey:
Annals of Superhuman Persistence, Vol. V: Chad Hodge
“Hodge was so enamored of Crouch’s books that he wrote the pilot script for Wayward Pines on spec, meaning he worked for several weeks without the guarantee that he’d ever get paid.” Oh shit. Several weeks? That is brutal. How ever did he maintain such superhuman persistence over such a lengthy time period with only the … Continue reading
How Much Persistence is Needed?
Answer: a little bit more than you showed.
Hierarchy of Quality
You are Katherine Heiny, and when you’re 24, you write a second-person short story for an MFA creative writing workshop at Columbia University¬ — “How to Give the Wrong Impression,” about a graduate student who is secretly in love with her male roommate — and you send it out to 31 literary journals, all of which … Continue reading