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Author Archives: Robert Pritchard

About Robert Pritchard

If you're reading this, you are the resistance.

Press Release

It seems to be the received wisdom that books angled at the younger set are simply not quite the same thing as books aimed at adults: not quite as challenging to write, not quite as challenging to read. And it is my boring yet constant duty to explain that books for younger readers are some … Continue reading »

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Katy Perry Basically Admits It

In my hard-hitting expose of simulated humans passing themselves off as real (“Russell Brand Does Not Exist,” February 24, 2011, I named Katy Perry as one of the most prominent of possible simulacra.  Now some additional evidence has emerged that she is indeed not a person of flesh and blood, born in the natural way, … Continue reading »

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The Barber: Issue 1

On the roof of a skyscraper that floated like an island among the dazzling multihued lights of Manhattan, the superhero known as the Barber patiently explained yet again why he wasn’t just a regular barber.  “I’m a superhero, not just a barber.  They call me the Barber because I can do everything a barber can,” … Continue reading »

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Dust Jackets

The 1977 film Capricorn One posits a flight to Mars being faked on a film set.  What Dr. Robert Pritchard’s book presupposes is, what if it were a hoax?  What if this movie was, in fact, never filmed, and the true hoax was not the flight to Mars but that someone hoaxed a movie about … Continue reading »

Categories: Fiction, Writing | 3 Comments

The 39 Fluid Identities

The Scene: An isolated  manor house on the windswept Yorkshire moors, 1920’s. A: Don’t you realize, Margo, that this sarcophagus is the very one stolen from the British Museum on the same night that the dastardly master criminal Rene Dastard escaped from Reading Gaol? B: But Lamont, surely you don’t suspect… A: But I do, … Continue reading »

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This Whole Idea

Ron Paul quotes: This whole idea that the whole Muslim world is responsible for this and they’re attacking us because we’re free and prosperous, that is just not true.   This whole idea that we have to be in 130 countries and 900 bases . . . is an old-fashioned idea.

Categories: Non-Fiction, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Captain Ethnic

Garbed in a white polar bear fur parka, with his trusty harpoon Innuvalieut in his hand, the Icicle gazed across the vertiginous topography of Manhattan with an icy gaze from the igloo on the roof of the Hudson’s Bay Company Building.  Somewhere in that city the evil mastermind known only as The Viking was preparing … Continue reading »

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Mr. Bokchito

In the cool morning air, Mr. Bokchito boarded the computer-run monorail and settled into a seat.  He unfolded a newspaper and read it while the train accelerated with whisper-quiet efficiency.  Through he was completely familiar with the landscapes of his daily commute, he glanced out the window from time to time, and it was after … Continue reading »

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Even now, it’s hard to believe he’s really dead.  Not because his suicide is a priori implausible, but because the Liberal Lamestream Media™ can’t be trusted.  When a shooting star falls, we mourn its loss, even though we know it’s in a better place—namely, incinerated during its passage through the atmosphere. Where was I when … Continue reading »

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Read My Story

I got paid the big, big bucks for this, so you better read it.

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